Partecipazioni a conferenze

“Anna Dandolo, la prima regina di Serbia” in XIX Jornadas de Bizancio Madrid, 24-27 de enero de 2022

“Irene, Imperatore dei Romani?” in “Mujeres imperiales, mujeres reales: representaciones pùblicas y rappresentaciones del poder”, Universidad de Alcalà 27-29 noviembre 2019.

“Was Irene truly a Roman Emperor?” XVIII. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford 19 August – 24 August 2019.

“Chess in Constantinople” XXII Board Games Studies Colloquium, Bologna 7-10 may 2019.

“Tzykanion, a Persian game became true Byzantine”, Fourth Biennial Conference on Iranian Studies, 13–14 April 2019, St Mary’s College, University of St Andrews

“Le tzykanion: un jeu perse qui devient byzantin” journée des doctorants du monde byzantin, Aix en Provence, 12 avril 2018.

“Pilgrimage to Monte Sant’Angelo and the Cult of Saint Michael during the Lombard period” in “Comparativism and the Study of Ancient Mediterranean Pilgrimage. The Emergence of Sacred Travel” 3rd symposium Aarhus University (Denmark)17-19 May 2017.

“Latin influence on Byzantine games: The case of Greek Manuscript 1409”, Byzantinist Society of Cyprus, First Annual Conference on Byzantine and Medieval Studies (Nicosia, Cyprus), 13-15 January 2017.

“Il gioco dello tzykanion a Bisanzio tra antropologia e socialità.”, in IX Congresso dell’Associazione Italia Studi Bizantini, Ravenna 22-25 settembre 2015.

« La joute pendant le règne de Manuel Ier Comnène (1143‐1181). Le jeu considéré comme occasion de normaliser les relations politiques et sociales entre Byzance et les royaumes latins d’outremer »  in « Jeux et jeux de pouvoir à la période prémoderne » 23 au 26 juin 2015, IHA Paris.

“Tzykanion: the ‘authentic’ Byzantine game” in Vagantes Graduate Conference 19-21 February 2015, UFL.

“The Constantine V persecution: ‘Building a new imperial elite in “Persecution, Punishment and Purgatory in the Long Middle Ages”. November 7, 2014 Graduate Center – CUNY, NY.

“Latin Influence on Byzantine Games and Byzantine Influence on Latin Games: a Cultural Exchange during the Komnenian Period” in “Arts & Entertainment in Byzantium” SMRS Conference, Saint Louis University, 16-18 June 2014.

“Games in Constantinople and Provincial Cities of Byzantium” in “The City & the cities: From Constantinople to the frontier”, The Oxford Universty Byzantine Society’s XVI International Graduate Conference, Oxford, UK, 28-1 March 2014.

“Games in Byzantium between Tradition and Transformation”, in “Tradition and Transformation:

Dissent and Consent in the Mediterranean”, Third CEMS International Graduate Conference, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, May 30–June 1, 2013.

“The Social Aspects of The Game in Byzantium” in “The Individual and the Society”, 14th Annual Postgraduate Colloquium of the Centre for Byzantine Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK, 25 May 2013.

« Tzikanion : le jeu impérial à Byzance », in « Le jeu dans l’histoire, de l’Antiquité à nos jours », Journée des doctorants de l’Universite de Poitiers et de Limoges, Poitiers, France, 8 March 2013.

“Venezia e l’iconoclasmo” in “Venezia tra Oriente e Occidente”, Istituto Romeno di Cultura e Ricerca Umanistica di Venezia, Venice, Italy, 4 March 2013.

Tzikanion, the noble sport in Byzantium, BSANA meeting, University of Philadelpia, 9 October 2010.

 “Saint Michael’s Cult in Southern Italy During the Lombard Period: Pilgrimage to the Monte Sant’Angelo. Sewanee Medieval Colloquium, University of the South, Tennessee, 9April 2010.